

The program collectionArtNB purchases artwork by contemporary New Brunswick artists every two years.


Eligible New Brunswick artists may be:

  • Emerging
  • Mid-career, or
  • Established


collectionArtNB (formerly The New Brunswick Art Bank), established in 1968, celebrates the province’s excellence in the visual arts through its collection of artwork by New Brunswick artists.

collectionArtNB is inviting professional artists working in New Brunswick for more than one year to submit artwork for acquisition. We highly encourage artists from all - Anglophone, Francophone and Indigenous – communities to apply.

Details regarding the process of collectionArtNB's upcoming acquisition can be found in the Guidelines document.

Application process:

The 2022-23 acquisition process has two streams GENERAL call & INDIGENOUS call.

*Indigenous artists are highly encouraged to apply, with separate artworks, to both streams. *

Application form:

Submission process opens: November 14th, 2022 [Indigenous & General call submissions]

Deadline for submission: January 6th, 2023 [Indigenous & General call submissions]

A complete application includes:

- Signed application form. Artwork submitted by gallerists should confirm the artist’s permission (i.e. email message from the artist)

- Clearly labelled full-colour digital images.

- Three (3) artworks are required for submission.

- Information about the media and the process used in creating the artwork.

- Artist’s statement about the artwork (250 words).

- Presentation and display requirements, if appropriate. 

*Please refer to the guidelines which contain important information about the criteria for this program. They can be found here:

Frequently Ask Questions

Application forms no longer require a written signature. However, in lieu of this, applicants must check the box at the end of the application form to acknowledge that the information provided in the application is accurate and complete.

Typically, an applicant may submit once to a grant program per fiscal year with the exception of the Strategic Initiative Fund. Please review each program guidelines for details.

Yes, you may contact the program officer responsible for the program to get feedback on your application if you are not successful. Jury comments may also be shared for juried programs.

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