
Maryse Arseneault

Maryse Arseneault

Acadian multidisciplinary artist and independent curator, Maryse Arseneault (born 1981) holds a BFA from Université de Moncton and a Masters in Studio Arts from Concordia University. Grounded in eco-feminist theory, her recent projects examine notions of alienation and stewardship, while she questions her role as an artist on unceded Mi’kmaki, where she currently resides. Adopting forms of slow activism, she confronts memory and psychogeography in relation to our feelings of belonging, and how our investment in these spaces can disrupt colonial mindsets. 2019 recipient of a Canada Council for the Arts creation grant and a lecturer in media arts at the Université de Moncton since 2020, Arseneault pursues her artistic interventions mainly through performance, drawing and audio-video. 

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collectionArtNB currently has approximately 960 pieces of artwork in our collection. These have been acquired throughout the past 50 years.

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