
Jean Hudson

Jean Hudson

  • Canadian

Jean Hudson creates large art pieces, along with her partner Jack, in the peacefulness of their gardens in Prince William, near Fredericton, NB. With sculptures in corporate offices, private collections, and on public display, she gathers creativity from the nature that surrounds her and from salvaged items. Seeing thrown away items in an imaginative way, and having observers of her sculptures seek thought about our discard culture and re-evaluate how they contend with their contribution of used items to our environment, is her inspiration for her art. Her passion for a better planet runs deep in her soul. 

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Typically, an applicant may submit once to a grant program per fiscal year with the exception of the Strategic Initiative Fund. Please review each program guidelines for details.

Due to the volume of applications received, we don’t provide individual confirmation of receipt but you will receive an automated email confirmation. You may contact our reception desk to check confirmation of receipt by email or call (506) 453-2555.

Yes, you may contact the program officer responsible for the program to get feedback on your application if you are not successful. Jury comments may also be shared for juried programs.

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