
Linda Rae Dornan

Linda Rae Dornan

  • Canadian
  • Strathbutler Award for excellent in the visual arts in New Brunswick (2010)
An interdisciplinary artist of performance, video, and audio art, Linda Rae Dornan uses language, memory, sound, and the human body in her work which has been presented across Canada, the United States, South America, and Europe. For several years, she hosted a weekly community radio show on audio art from her hometown of Sackville.

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For non-jury programs:

Typically for completed applications, applicants will be notified of their results by email within 7 weeks from the deadline date.

For jury programs:

Typically for completed applications, applicants will be notified of their results by email within 11 weeks from the deadline date.

Note: Incomplete or late applications may delay results and/or not be accepted.

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