
Sarah Maloney

Sarah Maloney

Elmsdale, Nova Scotia

  • Canadian
  • Elmsdale, Nova Scotia

Sarah Maloney, RCA, is a Nova Scotia artist who completed an MFA at the University of Windsor and a BFA at the Nova Scotia College of Art and Design. She has received numerous grants and awards, including from the Canada Council for the Arts, Arts Nova Scotia, the New Brunswick Arts Board and the Ontario Arts Council. In 2012 she was elected to the Royal Canadian Academy of Arts and awarded the Creative Nova Scotia Leadership Council Established Artist Recognition Award.

Her work is held in numerous permanent collections, including those of the Beaverbrook Art Gallery, the Art Gallery of Nova Scotia, the Dalhousie Art Gallery, the Nova Scotia Art Bank, the Canada Council Art Bank, collectionArtNB and the Department of Foreign Affairs. 

She currently teaches in the foundation and fine art programs at NSCAD University. 

Frequently Ask Questions

Application forms no longer require a written signature. However, in lieu of this, applicants must check the box at the end of the application form to acknowledge that the information provided in the application is accurate and complete.

Due to the volume of applications received, we don’t provide individual confirmation of receipt but you will receive an automated email confirmation. You may contact our reception desk to check confirmation of receipt by email or call (506) 453-2555.

Typically, an applicant may submit once to a grant program per fiscal year with the exception of the Strategic Initiative Fund. Please review each program guidelines for details.

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