
Suzanne Hill

Suzanne Hill

  • Canadian
  • Strathbutler Award for excellent in the visual arts in New Brunswick (1999)

Suzanne Hill lives in Rothesay, N.B. and is active as a professional artist and art education consultant. A graduate of Mount Allison and McGill Universities, she exhibits in the Atlantic Region. Her works are included in many private and public collections, including the New Brunswick Art Bank, the Canada Council Art Bank, UNB, NB Museum, the Beaverbrook Art Gallery, the University of Maine, and the Governor General of Canada. She is also represented in the collections of the Canadian War Museum and the Department of External Affairs.

She has served as a juror for the Strathbutler Award, the N.B. Art Bank, Creation and Excellence Grants. She was awarded the Strathbutler Award for Excellence in 1999. She has served on the NB Arts Board executive, on the Board of Directors of the New Brunswick Museum, and now with the SHMF. In 2003 she worked with 2 others to create the NB Visual Art Education Association. 

Frequently Ask Questions

If your project is no longer taking place, it’s critical that you contact the program officer as soon as possible to notify us. Depending on the situation, we can advise you of next steps. To proceed with withdrawing the project, you will need to send a cheque for the grant amount made payable to “Minister of Finance” no later than March 1. Indicate on the cheque memo or attach a letter for what program the amount is for and mail to:

Arts and Cultural Industries Branch

Dept. of Tourism, Heritage and Culture

Attention: Janey Johnston

Marysville Place (4th floor)

P. O. Box 6000 Fredericton, NB E3B 5H1

For applicants who are set up for direct deposit, typically payments will be made within 10 business days of receipt of notification of results.

For those without direct deposit, a cheque will be mailed to grant recipients within 10-25 business days after notification of results.

Application forms no longer require a written signature. However, in lieu of this, applicants must check the box at the end of the application form to acknowledge that the information provided in the application is accurate and complete.

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