
Thérèse d'Amour

Thérèse d'Amour


  • Matapédia, Québec August 20th, 2022
  • Canadian

Thérèse D'Amour was born on August 20, 1921, at Matapédia, in Québec’s Gaspé region. She remained in the province for more than 50 years, eventually, returning to university and earning a B.Sc. and Masters degree in Bioengineering.

Despite excelling at science, D’Amour would say her preference was to be a painter.

She began drawing in elementary school and would continue to paint throughout her lifetime. Although lacking formal art education, she took several art classes with noted painters, including Jacques Hébert.

In 1978, D'Amour moved to St. Andrews By-the-Sea in New Brunswick. Six years later, in 1984, she moved to western Prince Edward Island where she remained until her death at age 92.

D'Amour died in O’Leary, P.E.I., on December 23, 2013.

In her own words: "I am a painter by preference, a fighter by necessity and a dishwasher by gender. In between occupations I walk in the woods."

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