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Mixed media

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Guardian Series lll

by: Nancy King Schofield

Small nancyj king schofield 8x Nancy King Schofield
Born in Saint John and a graduate of Mount Allison University, Nancy King Schofield has worked from her studio at Centre culturel Aberdeen where she helped establish Gallerie 12. She has had many solo and group exhibitions in Canada and internationally. A recipient of many awards, she organized a writer’s group that recently launched their third anthology.

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collectionArtNB currently has approximately 960 pieces of artwork in our collection. These have been acquired throughout the past 50 years.

For applicants who are set up for direct deposit, typically payments will be made within 10 business days of receipt of notification of results.

For those without direct deposit, a cheque will be mailed to grant recipients within 10-25 business days after notification of results.

Application forms no longer require a written signature. However, in lieu of this, applicants must check the box at the end of the application form to acknowledge that the information provided in the application is accurate and complete.

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