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Acrylic, Graphite, Oil paint, Pastel

Art Forms

Public art

New School Collective

by: Chelsea Landry

In 2023-2024, "New School Collective" by Chelsea Landry was commissioned by the Province of New Brunswick for Hanwell Park Academy as part of New Brunswick's Public Art Policy. 

"New School Collective" is a mural on fibreboard near the main entrance of the school. A stylized aerial map of the community, some of the playful imagery in "New School Collective" includes landmarks, historical figures, children at play, scattered goldfish, colourful dinosaurs, an airplane, fiddleheads, positive affirmations, popcorn and a school bus. Other symbols include bears, light bulbs, music notes, apples, books, bumblebees, and a cheerful rainbow. The work also depicts Viola Desmond, Terry Fox, the Mona Lisa by Leonardo Da Vinci, Willie O'Ree, and Starry Night by Vincent Van Gogh.

Small cl Chelsea Landry

Chelsea Landry is a pop-art realism artist living in Hanwell with her fiancé, three children and two dogs. Her studio is based inside her family home with its older farmhouse charm surrounded by fields and horses. She is an artist, art teacher, and competitive speed painter. 

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