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Denis Lanteigne Selected for Claudette-Bradshaw/Le Mascaret Call

April 15, 2024

We're delighted to announce the public art project selected for the Claudette-Bradshaw and Le Mascaret schools!

Artist Denis Lanteigne will create a public art installation entitled Jardin diversifié for the exterior of the schools.

Denis is originally from Caraquet. He obtained his B.A. in psychology from the Université de Moncton and entered the Collège de Bathurst in 1973, where he took two years of courses in graphic arts, sculpture and photography. After a few years in Caraquet working in advertising and on artistic projects, Denis Lanteigne moved to Montreal in 1982. Together with his wife, he worked in the millinery field. Styles, shades and fabrics led him to make three-dimensional objects, and he continued to work on art objects.

In 2003, the artist opened a studio in Caraquet and worked on various sculptural and photographic projects. He has been working on outdoor installations since 2011.

He is director of the Centre d'artistes la Constellation bleue and the Galerie Bernard-Jean at the Centre culturel de Caraquet. He has served on the boards of AAAPNB, artsnb and the Commission de culturelle de Caraquet.

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Yes, you may contact the program officer responsible for the program to get feedback on your application if you are not successful. Jury comments may also be shared for juried programs.

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