Sara Griffin, a painter and ceramic artist, is originally from Grand Manan Island, and currently resides in Fredericton, NB. Griffin holds a BFA from NSCAD, (2001) a BEd specializing in visual arts, (UNB,2010) and a Diploma of Ceramics, (NBCCD, 2023). Highlights of her career include residencies in Italy carving marble, printing lithographs in Vancouver, BC, and creating a series of paintings in Japan. As an arts advocate, Griffin served as the former Executive Director of ArtsLink NB (2011-13) and has sat on numerous arts boards in NB. Sara has exhibited internationally and has curated numerous learning programs in Eastern Canada.
Residency Project
Intended Level: 3-5, 6-8
Targets: stewardship, storytelling, sculpting, cooperation, teamwork
This project looks to New Brunswick’s native animals (porcupine, raccoon, owl, crow, deer, etc.,) to use as inspiration to create a class produced storybook. The students will:
- work in small teams
- author a story set in NB on the topic of stewardship.
- create a simple storyboard.
- create animal sculptures and backdrops out of polymer clay.
- work with Artist to create the digital book.
K-2 students will:
- create clay animal ornaments under the guidance of the artist.
- paint their ornaments.
- celebrate with a school display
Project Title: Me-Mandalas or ME-Mugs
Intended Level: 3-5, 6-8, 9-12
Targets: topics of identity, diversity, symbolism, and mental health
This project has students reflect on their identity and personality to create a ceramic mandala wall-hanging, representing their lives and culture. Students will:
- design symbols on paper that represent aspects of their personal lives.
- carve the designs out of E-Z cut.
- roll out pieces of clay and lay out the mandala, or plan mug
- stamp the symbols repeatedly into the clay in a pattern.
- add colour
- celebrate diversity with a photo
Teaching Experience
2013-21 Visual Arts Specialist, Permanent B contract
2013 English and Art Teacher, Rothesay Middle and High School, NB
2010 Painting Instructor, NB Museum, Saint John
2010 Painting Instructor, UNB College of Extended Learning, NB
2009- 11 Portfolio Development Coordinator and Lead Teacher, Saint John Arts Centre, NB