Public Art Call Maplehurst

Public Art Call Maplehurst

Status: Complete


The New Brunswick Department of Tourism, Heritage and Culture invites professional artists to submit proposals to design, create and install public artwork at the new Maplehurst Middle School in Moncton, NB. The total budget for commissioning public artwork at this site is $50,000. Once works are created and installed, they become part of collection ArtNB (formerly The New Brunswick Art Bank). Preference will be given to New Brunswick professional artists. 


The call to artists is open to professional artists. An individual artist or a group of artists may propose a project.

A professional artist is defined as an individual who:

o Has a history of public presentation in a professional context;

o Practices an art and offers services in exchange for remuneration as a creator; and

o Has specialized training in the arts (not necessarily in academic institutions) and is recognized as such by their peers.


o Submissions from students at any level are not eligible;

o Artists who are contract employees of NB Anglophone East School District are not eligible;

o Members of the Evaluation Committee, the GNB Steering Committee, and their immediate families are ineligible to apply.


The Province of New Brunswick has constructed a new school at 320 Maplehurst Drive in Moncton. The middle school serves 58 staff and approx. 700 students in grades 6 to 8 and is comprised of students from Northrop Frye and Evergreen Park schools. 


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Frequently Ask Questions

For non-jury programs:

Typically for completed applications, applicants will be notified of their results by email within 7 weeks from the deadline date.

For jury programs:

Typically for completed applications, applicants will be notified of their results by email within 11 weeks from the deadline date.

Note: Incomplete or late applications may delay results and/or not be accepted.

To register for Direct Deposit, you must complete and send the Direct Deposit Form to Service NB.

Application forms no longer require a written signature. However, in lieu of this, applicants must check the box at the end of the application form to acknowledge that the information provided in the application is accurate and complete.

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